pleural effusion | types | causes | clinical features | diagnosis | treatment

pleural effusion | types | causes | clinical features | diagnosis | treatment

in this video i have discussed the pleural effusion, it's types, signs and symptoms,diagnosis and treatment and also briefly discussed the difference between transudative fluid & exudative fluid pleural effusion pleural effusion treatment pleural effusion case presentation pleural effusion in hindi pleural effusion selfless medicose pleural effusion x ray pleural effusion medicine lecture pleural effusion ultrasound pleural effusion osmosis pleural effusion ninja nerd pleural effusion kya hota hai pleural effusion kya hai pleural effusion me kya khana chahiye what is pleural effusion what is pleural effusion in hindi what causes pleural effusion what is pleural fluid what does pleural effusion sound like what is bilateral pleural effusion pleural effusion causes pleural effusion clinical features pleural effusion symptoms pleural effusion signs pleural causes kya hai pleural effusion diagnosis pleural effusion treatment transudate vs exudate transudate awr exudate mai kya faraq hy pleural effusion types pleural effusion nursing diagnosis pleural effusion differential diagnosis pleural effusion causes pleural effusion causes in hindi pleural effusion treatment pleural effusion treatment in tamil pleural effusion treatment at home pleural effusion treatment in telugu pleural effusion treatment bangla pleural effusion treatment malayalam pleural effusion treatment in kannada pleural effusion symptoms pleural effusion symptoms in hindi pleural effusion symptoms in tamil pleural effusion pain pleural effusion - causes symptoms diagnosis treatment pathology #pleural_effusion #pleural_effusion_causes #pleural_effusion_treatment #transudate_vs_exudate