I AM affirmations for Wealth, Money and Abundance prosperity - NEW powerful loa daily

I AM affirmations for Wealth, Money and Abundance prosperity - NEW powerful loa daily

The best I AM affirmations for manifesting Abundance, Wealth, Money and Luxury daily. These powerful Law of Attraction (LOA) Affirmations will help you visualize yourself having everything you desire in your life. You will achieve your dreams and goals by listening regularly so start mastering money manifestation now. Have a millionaire mindset and a successful life now! These affirmations and background music is tuned to money making frequency so you are able to start manifesting money into your life and your business right away. Use this video for meditations, sleep manifestation, positive thinking exercises, visualization techniques, and any other LOA techniques. With affirmations repeated within this audio, you can begin programming your mind to embrace prosperity & money. You will attract financial abundance and wealth. Use this video for I Am Affirmations Morning or evening rituals. receive unexpected money in 24 HOURS --------- Welcome to Hypnolixir guided meditation & affirmations. I’m sure you would like to know the secret of how to attract abundance and money. This is a 21-day affirmations program to rewire your brain to positive thinking and attract unlimited money into your life. These affirmations send a powerful message to your higher self and subconscious mind and create new physical pathways in your brain. Attracting abundance is usually one of the most difficult goals to achieve because money holds a very strong emotional weight in our lives. Thanks for watching this video! Comment below to let us know what you like about this recording, and if there’s anything you’d like me to improve. ---------------------------------------------------------- Consider becoming a supporting Patron:   / hypnolixir   ---------------------------------------------------------- INSTRUCTIONS: #1 – Listen to these simple affirmations while you are lying down or in a sitting position. You need a pair of small and good headphones. You need to be present and focused during the whole video so you can actively participate in the meditation. #2 – Try to be focused and present. Feel with all your senses and experience the emotions as strongly as possible, visualize. Repeat each affirmation and Echo it in your mind. #3 – Hypnolixir recommends that you listen to this recording every day for a minimum of 21 days to see a positive effect. ---------------------------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL - IT`S FREE. Thank You. Subscribe ➤ https://bit.ly/2VXThaU Check my other video: ---------------------------------------------------------- LOVE Yourself while You Sleep – Transform your life – Affirmations & Meditation    • Love yourself while you sleep – self ...   ---------------------------------------------------------- Heal yourself guided meditation - instant self-healing with your mind - repair your body affirmations    • Heal yourself guided meditation - ins...   ---------------------------------------------------------- Copyright © 2019 Hypnolixir Background music composed and recorded by Hypnolixir Forest Sounds by www.freetousesounds.com    • Morning Forest Sounds Effects in Germ...   Money video by Free Stock Vids    • Free Stock Footage of Money   Hand icon by Kiranshastry from http://www.flaticon.com/ Cash Icon by Dimitry Miroliubov from http://www.flaticon.com/ Money Bag icon by Freepik from https://www.flaticon.com/ #IAMaffirmations #Money #Wealth #affirmations #abundance #Manifestation #LawOfAttraction #Meditation #Energy #moneymagnet #Attract #attractmoney #manifest abundance mindset bob proctor