How to Turn off Quick Add on Snapchat on Your Phone?

How to Turn off Quick Add on Snapchat on Your Phone?

Tired of seeing random people on your Snapchat quick add section? In this video, we'll show you how to turn off Quick Add on Snapchat and control who can add you as a friend. Say goodbye to unwanted friend requests and keep your Snapchat friends list clean! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0:00 - 0:04 - Intro 0:05 - 0:26 - Quick Remove 0:27 - 1:22 - Settings ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #snapchat #qucik #qickadd #turnoff #snapchattips #snapchattipsandtricks #snapchataccount #snapchatremove #settings #snapchattricks #snapchat2024 #techvideos #techknowtips #tricks #tipsandtricks #tips_and_tricks #electronicshub