Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaign Walkthrough #8

Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaign Walkthrough #8

BRAND NEW CALL OF DUTY INFINITE WARFARE IS HERE!! CAMPAIGN GAMEPLAY WALKTHROUGH PART 8. Thanks to Activision for supplying the copy of the game!! Missed a part, Catch up here Episode 1 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 2 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 3 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 4 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 5 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 6 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   Episode 7 -    • Call of Duty INFINITE WARFARE Campaig...   T999 Merchandise - SHARE & LIKE on the road to 400k Subs!!! ► Subscribe:    / rtommyt999   ►Twitter -   / tommyt999   Call of Duty returns with Infinite Warfare & this is episode eight of a brand new walkthrough series on the Infinite Warfare single player campaign with LIVE gameplay & commentary. Time to head to space on next generation consoles & PC. I am playing on PS4. (Just in case you are interested) Next episode incoming very soon so stay tuned!! SOCIAL MEDIA ► Twitter -   / tommyt999   ► Instagram -   / rossthomp5on   ► Facebook -   / tommyt999   ► Snapchat -   / rtommyt999   GAMING ► Xbox Live - TommyT999 ► PSN - TommyT999 ► Steam - TommyT999 ►Twitch -   / tommyt999   SAVE MONEY ★ Get my gaming chair!! Use code "T999" for 5% discount UK/EU - USA - ★ 10% OFF KontrolFreek!! Use code "T999" ★ 10% OFF LootCrate!! Use code "T999" http://www.lootcrate/t999 ►Subscribe here:    / rtommyt999