FRIDAY Rosary Today🌹Sorrowful Mysteries, FEAST of Sts. CYRIL & METHODIUS, February 14, 2025 Scenic

FRIDAY Rosary Today🌹Sorrowful Mysteries, FEAST of Sts. CYRIL & METHODIUS, February 14, 2025 Scenic

FEBRUARY 14, 2025, Sorrowful Mysteries of the Daily Holy Rosary for Friday, the FEAST of Sts. CYRIL and METHODIUS. A virtual rosary, calming, relaxing scenic rosary for peaceful meditation and Catholic prayer. Contemplate the Sorrowful Mysteries. The Holy Rosary, a powerful and important devotion, is prayed while meditating on the story of our salvation and the events in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Sorrowful Mysteries prayed on Friday and Tuesday are: THE AGONY in the GARDEN The SCOURGING at the PILAR The CROWNING with THORNS The CARRYING of the CROSS The CRUCIFIXION These rosaries are NOT auto generated in any way or form by AI. I actually speak EVERY WORD and DESIGN EVERY PICTURE myself. Thank you for praying with and supporting humans. Have your intentions mentioned in an upcoming rosary TWO WAYS: 1. BECOME a MEMBER at ANY LEVEL by clicking:    / @donnacori-sungprayers   ***OR*** 2. LEAVE A TIP at can send a CHECK DIRECTLY to: Golden Arrow Music, 6209 Mid Rivers Mall Dr. Suite 218, St. Peters, MO 63304 THANK YOU for your support!!!! See LIST of NAMES and INTENTIONS on upcoming rosary posts for MEMBERS, DONORS & ALL BENEFACTORS to this apostolate in the "Community" section of this channel. Join my prayer team and I'll send you 2 FREE song downloads as a welcome and give you a coupon for a FREE CD. 25% off CDs and DOWNLOADS with coupon "25off" at my website: SUNG CHAPLETS: Sacred Heart:    • CHAPLET of the SACRED HEART of JESUS ...   Divine Mercy:    • 🎶 Divine Mercy Chaplet (in Song) NEW ...   Holy Face:    • CHAPLET of the HOLY FACE of JESUS  - ...   Precious Blood:    • Sung Chaplet of the Precious Blood - ...   Unity - Jesus King of All Nations:    • JESUS, KING of All NATIONS, CHAPLET o...   Pray a SUNG ROSARY... Joyful:    • Sung Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Ros...   Luminous:    • Sung Luminous Mysteries of Our Lady's...   Sorrowful:    • SUNG Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosar...   Glorious:    • 🎶 REMIXED - SUNG Glorious Mysteries o...   ALL 20 Sung Decades Rosary:    • 20 Mysteries SUNG Rosary, COMPLETE, O...   FLAME OF LOVE ROSARY: Joyful:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Joyful Mysteri...   Luminous:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Luminous Myste...   Sorrowful:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Sorrowful Myst...   Glorious:    • Flame of Love Rosary - Glorious Myste...   DAILY AUXILIUM CHRISTIANORUM Monday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Monday Deliv...   Tuesday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Tuesday Deli...   Wednesday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Wednesday De...   Thursday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Thursday Del...   Friday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Friday Deliv...   Saturday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Saturday Del...   Sunday:    • Auxilium Christianorum - Sunday Deliv...   OTHER SUNG PRAYERS: Lady of All Nations Sung Prayer:    • Lady of All Nations Prayer in Song - ...   Ave Maria:    • Ave Maria - Schubert, Orchestra and V...   Hail Mary/Gentle Woman:    • Hail Mary Gentle Woman full version   Memorare:    • Sing the Memorare prayer by Saint Ber...   Sung Spiritual Communion:    • Sung Spiritual Communion by St. Alpho...   Anima Christi:    • Anima Christi Prayer Song - Sung word...   15 Favorite Marian Hymns PLAYLIST:    • 15 Best Loved Catholic Marian Hymns 🎶...   St. Joseph Memorare:    • MEMORARE to St. JOSEPH - SUNG, Lyric ...   _______________________________________ ▶️ 🎶 LISTEN 🎶 🔴 SPOTIFY: 🔴 APPLE MUSIC:   / donna-cori-gibson   🔴 iTUNES:   / donna-cori-gibson   🔴 DEEZER: ▶️ 🎶 FOLLOW 🎶 🔴 FACEBOOK:   / donnacorimusic   🔴 INSTAGRAM:   / donnacoricatholicmusic   SUBSCRIBE - please... ________________________________________ PLEASE HELP ME GROW THIS CHANNEL 🙏 ▶️ 1. 🔔 Please Subscribe, then Click "Notification Bell" 🔔 ▶️ 2. 👍 Please "Like" this video. ▶️ 3. 📲 Please share this video on Facebook and Twitter using the SHARE button. ▶️ 4. 🎼 BECOME A PATRON and support this Catholic music: ▶️ 5. 🎤 Want MORE? Online lessons for singing, songwriting, recording, chat, questions, spiritual direction with Donna via SKYPE Passing the basket: THANK YOU for your support. #holyrosary #todaysrosary #dailyrosary #scripturalrosary #todayrosary #scenicrosary #holyrosarytoday #rosarytoday #todaysrosaryenglish #virtualrosary #sorrowfulmysteries #fridayrosary #rosaryfriday #holyrosarytoday #blessedmother #meditationprayer #meditation #catholicprayer #catholicmeditation #catholic #ourlady #virtualrosary #catholicprayers #blessedvirginmary #rosarytoday #prayerintention#mamamaryprayforus #mamamary #prayer #prayersforhelp #prayersforemergency #saintanthony 00:00 Today's Rosary - The Sorrowful Mysteries 00:16 FEAST Sts. CYRIL & METHODIUS 01:42 Opening Prayers 03:30 1️⃣ The Agony in the Garden 07:00 2️⃣ The Scourging at the Pillar 11:25 3️⃣ The Crowning with Thorns 14:57 4️⃣ The Carrying of the Cross 18:15 5️⃣ The Crucifixion 22:15 - Hail Holy Queen & End Prayers 26:10 - Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary