December 16, 2020  - Misa de Gallo

December 16, 2020 - Misa de Gallo

December 16,2020 Wednesday of the Third Week of Advent Simbang Gabi (December 15-23) 6:00 PM 8:00 PM Misa de Gallo (December 16-24) 5:30 AM Holy Mass Follow our Facebook Page:   / dsmcphilippines   Online Prayer Petition for December 15, 2020 to January 01, 2021 Click this link ---- We invite you now to submit your petitions and intentions for the daily Masses so we can post these at the start of the live streaming, and for the priest and viewers to include you in their prayers. Please know that the Dominican community of Santo Domingo Convent maintains its regular schedule of prayer and Private Masses, be assured that your intentions will be remembered. We are one with you in prayer in asking the Lord for the healing of the sick. We hope and pray, through God's mercy, that this present threat will end soon. Soon, in God’s good time, we shall join together again in common prayer. May the Lord keep you all safe and healthy. HELP OUR MINISTRY IN SANTO DOMINGO CHURCH! We shall be truly grateful for any donation you may send for the continuing repair and maintenance of the Santo Domingo Church, its various mission and apostolate, and the intellectual, pastoral, and spiritual formation of Dominican seminarians (Student-brothers). Kindly send your donations to: Banco de Oro (BDO) Account Name: Santo Domingo Convent Mass Intention Account No: 0000-8000-0010 Swift Code: BNORPHMM Banco de Oro (BDO) Dollar savings Account Account Name: OUR LADY OF LA NAVAL Account No: 1000-8005-0441 Swift Code: BNORPHMM Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI) Acct Name: Our Lady of the Rosary La Naval Fdn Inc. Account No: 0213-4116-24 Swift Code: BOPIPHMM GCash and Paymaya Account Number: 0998-184-6394