THE LAST OF US PART I 100% Walkthrough - Part 1 | 1440p 60fps, PC
I'm finally starting THE LAST OF US PART I after finishing RE:4's Story and Mercs mode. This is the PC version that recently released, which has some issues but my PC can still run it pretty well. I'm excited to play this game again as I've never played this version of it yet, and so far it's as great as I remembered. Feel free to like and Subscribe. Playlist: • THE LAST OF US PART 1 - Full 100% Wal... 00:00:00 Intro 00:02:25 Game Start - Ch. 1 Prologue 00:17:17 End of Prologue 00:20:20 Ch. 2 - The Quarantine Zone - "20 Years Later" 00:24:16 Conversation 1/40 00:24:44 "20 Years Later" Cont. 00:27:32 Ch. 2 - "Beyond The Wall" 00:28:31 Artifacts 1 & 2/83 00:29:38 Conversation 2/40 00:30:49 Firefly Pendant 1/30 00:31:58 Conversation 3/40 00:34:18 Artifact 3/83 00:37:58 Firefly Pendant 2/30 00:39:00 Ch. 2 - "The Slums" 00:40:55 Artifacts 4 & 5/83 00:45:05 Fighting Roberts Men 00:55:54 Artifacts 6 & 7/83 00:57:53 Confronting Robert & Meeting Marlene 01:02:05 Ch. 2 - "The Cargo" 01:08:36 Conversation 4/40 01:10:37 Meeting Ellie 01:12:50 Outro Collectibles | Conversations | Pendants | Playthrough | Lets Play | PC #thelastofus #flclafi #walkthrough