Christ the King Feast Day November 24 2024 Mass 🇨🇦 Manitoba Catholic Church of the Deaf 19:50mins

Christ the King Feast Day November 24 2024 Mass 🇨🇦 Manitoba Catholic Church of the Deaf 19:50mins

Welcome to Kaganda21 Vlog channel. Thank you for watching Christ the King Feast Day November 24 2024 Mass 🇨🇦 Manitoba Catholic Church of the Deaf If you are new to my channel Please don't forget to subscribe and click the bell button to notify you in my new video. どうもありがとうございます Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu Thank you very much and God Bless. Your friendship is such a gift to me, and I will treasure this memento of it. Comment below ⤵️or DM me for more info Facebook : Kaganda Vlog FB page : Kaganda21 Vlog Instagram: Kaganda21 #kaganda21vlog #canada #asmrsounds #feast #catholicchurch #asl #deafcommunity #signlanguage #catholic #youtube #youtubevideos #2024 #christtheking #satisfying #asl #sunday #sundayworship #2024 #buhaycanada #catholicmass