Jin Dahaad vs Charge Blade | 5:59 TA | Monster Hunter Wilds
Monsters with HP gates, scripts and who run away constantly aren't that interesting to fight for me. Really cool monster, but not that engaging. Cut the section where he runs away every minute or so and I'm sure you could kill him in 2 minutes. 》》》What does TA mean?《《《 TA stands for Time Attack. It essentially means speedrun but in a lot of instances, it means "follows the TA Wiki Ruleset" which means that the ONLY thing allowed is your weapon and items that buff and heal you. While this is generally slower than a Freestyle run would be (everything is allowed) , I vastly prefer it because it gives me the most opportunities to show my skill, weapon and monster knowledge. You also only compare times between TA and other TA times (and same weapon). Same as with Freestyle. 》》》Monster Hunter Wilds Video Playlist《《《 • Monster Hunter Wilds 》》》Music used《《《 1. KH 3 - Scala ad Caelum 2. MH Stories 2 - Heated Battle in the Arena 》》》Linktree for Socials, Twitch etc. 《《《 https://linktr.ee/akantorex