Christmas Eve 2024 5 P.M.
PRELUDE “Silent Night” Arr. Raney *CAROL “O Come, All Ye Faithful” *CALL TO WORSHIP: One: Tonight, old dreams fade, and new dreams come to life. All: Glory to God in the highest! One: Hope gives way to joy and proclamation. All: Glory to God in the highest! One: The songs, the candles, even the stockings tell the story. All: For God has come to us. On this night we remember and celebrate that Jesus Christ, our Savior, is born. *PASSING OF THE PEACE LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT CANDLES UNISON PRAYER O Loving God, this night no one is a stranger. We are all joined together as one family through the miraculous birth of a tiny baby. May we share the joy and enthusiasm of being present when the Lord of Life reaches to touch the earth – to be one of us – to be with us! Let us reach out to share this love incarnate with one another. In Christ’s name we pray. Amen. CAROL “O Little Town of Bethlehem” CHILDREN’S STORY CAROL “Away in a Manger” THE MINISTRY OF GIVING Offertory “The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns” Keesecker Response “Angels We Have Heard on High” Refrain Prayer of Dedication Gracious God, no offering is adequate to express our thanks, but what we give, we give with love. May the good news of this night live in these gifts, and in our lives. Bless them and sanctify us for your holy will. Amen. STOCKINGS TELL THE STORY CAROL “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION Invitation Prayer of Confession: Holy Family of Bethlehem, come to us. Come, let your love shine in us and fill us with joy. Holy Child of Bethlehem, come to us again. Come, light our path to brighten this cold night. Holy God of Bethlehem, come, be born in us. Come, grant us your peace. Amen. Assurance of Forgiveness Communion Prayer The Lord’s Prayer (using “debts” and “debtors”) Sharing of the Elements Prayer of Thanksgiving *A gluten-free option is available. Let a communion server know. **Grape Juice is in the inner circle of the tray. THE LIGHT AND LIFE OF CHRIST *CAROL “Silent Night, Holy Night” *CHRISTMAS BLESSING *CAROL “Joy to the World” *POSTLUDE “O Holy Night “ Adam