Salish Matter VS Clements Twins Stunning Transformation 💛 2024 | From Baby To Now
Salish Matter VS Clements Twins Stunning Transformation 💛 2024 | From Baby To Now    • Salish Matter VS Clements Twins Stunn...  💛 Became widely recognized as the daughter of photographer and YouTube star Jordan Matter. She built up a large fan base from appearing in videos alongside her father on Instagram and YouTube. She also has her own Instagram account called salishmatter, where she has over 3.3 million followers. 💛 Account dedicated to child models Ava and Leah whose fashionista photos would earn 2.1 million followers for the account. The girl's mother helped to run the Instagram account and also blogged about their collective journey through social media on a blog called The Clements Twins. #salishmatter #clementscrew #clementstwins #avamcclure #leahroseclements 🖱 Please click subscribe to get new updates 🔔 Don’t miss next videos: Press the little bell ((🔔)) to get notifications