The Third Sunday of Easter: Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Third Sunday of Easter: Sunday, April 18, 2021

The Church of the Transfiguration (The Little Church Around The Corner) live-streamed the 11 am mass. Preacher: Fr. John David van Dooren. Music: Missa de Angelis (16th c. Gregorian) and Anonymous (13th c. English) For the digital bulletin, please click here: If you are visiting us virtually and would like to connect, please fill out our virtual visitor card! We look forward to hearing from you. Our parish combines the beauty and depth of the Anglo-Catholic tradition with the warmth of a caring community seeking the presence of Christ at the center of our lives. For more opportunities to connect with us for Morning and Evening Prayer Services or our weekly Bible Study and Adult Education offerings, please email our parish administrator at [email protected] Today's singers are featured performers of the Transfiguration Men and Boys Choir. If you are able and wish to support our ministries here at the Little Church, click for Vanco and for PayPal. You can also visit our website at