BTS - THE RISE OF BANGTAN - Chapter 8: I Need U | Reaction Mashup

BTS - THE RISE OF BANGTAN - Chapter 8: I Need U | Reaction Mashup

Thank you for watching! Many thanks to: DT Parker    • THE RISE OF BANGTAN - Chapter 8: I Ne...   sojalikesthesun    • BTS - The Rise Of Bangtan Chapter 8 -...   Lenny Len    • Africans react to THE RISE OF BANGTAN...   Mexinese Family    • RISE OF BANGTAN 8 'I NEED U' - COUPLE...   Jackpot Army    • The Rise of Bangtan Chapter 8: I Need...   VictoriaReacts    • Video   Original video link:    • Video   BTS - The Rise Of Bangtan Chapter 8 | Reaction Mashup ------------------------------ *Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. ------------------------------ Tags: #bts, #btsarmy, #theriseofbangtan, reaction bts bts reaction mashup rise of bangtan chapter 8 reaction mashup bts bts reaction the rise of bangtan bts reaction reaction to bts mashup reaction bts mashup reaction mashup to bts kpop reaction mashup mashup reaction to bts react to bts mashup reaction to bts react bts mashup bts mashup reaction