Tips and Ideas for Window Treatments | Home Design Ideas
I'm so happy to hear my series on "Top 10 Design Mistakes" I often see in peoples homes is making an impact for so many. .. This video is for you... if you struggle with what to do with your windows. I'm going to give you tangible ideas for dressing your windows stylishly. Ideas on where to hang them, how high, how long and what fabrics, colors and textures might best compliment your room design. A special thanks to the hundreds of followers and subscribers who have submitted their room photos for this series. If you find yourself dissatisfied with any room in your home... there's likely a simple fix. Perhaps you are making common mistakes in your choices of furniture and how it's arranged. Maybe your window treatments, area rugs, and even paint colors are just not doing it for you. Things like area rug sizes and lighting can make such a difference! Watch the rest of this series: https://bit.ly/47DsDdA || D E S I G N C O N S U L T A T I O N || Schedule Your 1:1 Design Consultation with Me: https://bit.ly/RRconsult || W H A T A R E T H E D E S I G N S E S S I O N S ? || Watch this to answer all of your questions: https://bit.ly/3jUzNlU The Design Sessions were created to help you make your home beautiful. It doesn't matter if you're just getting started or are well on your way to becoming an expert, the Design Sessions will give you everything you need to decorate and design your home with confidence. Once you join, you will have access to over 100+ hours of in-depth training sessions, access to monthly Live Q&As to address your design challenges, and join a community of like-minded people! Sign up for the Design Sessions here: https://bit.ly/rrds23 || D E S I G N S E S S I O N S A P P || IOS: https://apple.co/3zDRsGY Android: https://bit.ly/3z7qjee || W H A T I S Y O U R D E S I G N S T Y L E ? ||+ Take the New Design Style Quiz: https://bit.ly/rrstylequiz24 || F O L L O W M E || + Instagram: http://bit.ly/2prycLJ Subscribe to My Channel: http://bit.ly/1HQxHwB || A M A Z O N S T O R E F R O N T || Shop My Amazon Storefront: https://amzn.to/3SZiq3s || C O N T A C T || For any questions or inquiries, email [email protected] || E Q U I P M E N T || Cameras: Nikon z6 Lens: Sigma 24-70mm 1:2.8 Lights: Fiilex p360 Microphone: Sennheiser AVX-MKE2 https://bit.ly/3xukBT9 Tripod: Sachter Ace https://bit.ly/3XFN42Y _______________________________________________________________________ Videography and Editing: Dorian Tucker Creative Producer: Angela Johnson Royalty-free music by Epidemic Sound