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Dear Aspirants, Welcome to Spardhaguru, (www.spardha.guru) The Biggest E-Learning platform for Competitive exams In this video you will learn amazing trick to solve the Quantitative Aptitude ..... So this video is helpful for all aspirants preparing for SSC & other govt. exams. Watch this full videos and also LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE To get MORE INTERESTING videos like this........ Follow the steps to download the practice paper on our website 1. Visit our Website: www.spardha.guru 2. Click on Material 3. Click on PDF 4. Click on Quantitative Aptitude/ Reasoning / English / Banking awareness / Computer awareness / Current Affairs / Important days / General Gk 5. Click on the perticular topic 6. Click on View to download the concept practice paper We wish you all the best for your studies and exams. #Simplification of whole number (BODMAS) short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification Continue Fraction short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of simple fraction short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of Difficult Fraction short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of formula based short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of percentage based short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of square root & cube root based short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of surds and Indices short cut, tips & tricks #simplification decimal based short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of problems on numbers short cut, tips & tricks #Simplification of statement based short cut, tips & tricks #Combined operation of BODMAS short cut, tips & tricks #LCM & HCF short cut, tips & tricks #Averages short cut, tips & tricks #Ratio & Proportion short cut, tips & tricks #Partnership short cut, tips & tricks #Problems on Ages short cut, tips & tricks #Percentage short cut, tips & tricks #Profit & Loss short cut, tips & tricks #Mixtures & Allegations short cut, tips & tricks #Simple Interest short cut, tips & tricks #Compound Interest short cut, tips & tricks #Time & Distance short cut, tips & tricks #Problem on Trains short cut, tips & tricks #Boats and streams short cut, tips & tricks #Time & work short cut, tips & tricks #Pipes & Cistern short cut, tips & tricks #Mensuration short cut, tips & tricks #Permutation & Combination & probability short cut, tips & tricks #Quadratic Equations short cut, tips & tricks #Data Interpretation short cut, tips & tricks In this video you will learn amazing trick to solve the Quantitive Aptitude ..... So this video is helpful for all aspirants preparing for SSC & other govt. exams. Watch this full videos and also LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE To get MORE INTERESTING videos like this........ You Can Follow me on Instagram Follow us Twitter: https://t.me/spardhaguruindiaprivatel... Youtube: / @spardhaguru2022 Twitter: / spardhaguru1 Facebook: / 265494154401639 Linked in / spardhaguru-a-group-of-vemtech-38b4 Warm regards, Spardhaguru India Private Limited Biggest E-Learning Platform for competitive exams www.spardha.guru