ððĒð ðĄð ððŦððēððŦ 06.02.2025 | Bed time prayer | Raatri kaala prardana | Christ Miracle World
ððĒð ðĄð ððŦððēððŦ 06.02.2025 | Bed time prayer | Raatri kaala prardana | Christ Miracle World ððĻðŦð ðĻð ððĻð #christmiracleworld #nightprayer #bedtimeprayer topic ratri kaala prardhana for good sleep we gave to pray god bed time prayer for peaceful sleep giving thanks to god before sleep god will protect us with this night prayer night healing prayer Every day Night time Prayer is very helpful and Blessing to our life's Through this lets Give thanks to God protecting throughout this day Dear friends and Christ Miracle world family numbers don't forget to Share and Like every video word of God gives Us strength and power to our life so be a part of This ministry spread the Good news My God bless you all & may God bless our India