앙상블 숨비 '세레나데' Serenade -Ensemble Soom Bi
Ensemble "Soombi," where traditional Korean and western instruments come together 녹화장소: 세실아트홀 녹음: 외부) 이선민 앙상블 숨비*는 전통과 클래식의 멋과 깊이를 살려내어 현대사회와 소통하며 문화외교를 하고자 하는 음악가가 모인 팀입니다 해금연주자김수연, 첼리스트이은지 , 피아니스트이영은 , 국악 작곡가강선하가 팀원으로 구성되어 있습니다 영상에 나오는 곡은 앙상블 숨비음반 ☆ 봄의 편지☆의 수록곡입니다 *봄의 편지 해금,첼로,피아노,판소리,대금,타악이 함께하는 힐링앨범 Ensemble Soombi is comprised of South Korean musicians who seek to communicate with modern society and conduct cultural diplomacy by bringing to life the charm and depth of traditional and classical music The musicians – Soo-yeon Kim on the Haegum (traditional Korean instrument), cellist Eun-ji Lee, pianist Young-eun Lee, and traditional Korean music composer Seon-ha Kang – each have over 15 or more years of experience, and have come together to exhibit the mixture of the inherent sounds of their instruments and talents with the original works of modern composers Serenade - Kang, Seon Ha The closest point between two people is when they become one through love This lyrical love song breaks free from the idea that instruments of the east and west are different, and mixes sounds of struck string, rubbed string, and percussion instruments to maximize a sense of unity [Listen here] mirrorballmusic - Melon - Genie - Bugs - Ollehmusic - Soribada - [CREDIT] Hae Kum - Kim, Su Yoen Cellist - Lee, Eun Ji Pianist - Lee, Young Eun Composer - Kang, Seon Ha * Guest artists Vocal - Lee, Ye Lyn Percussionist - Kang, Jun Mo Dae Kum - Song, Kyoung Ho Mixing and Mastering - Lee, Seon Min