ENG) florist vlog│꽃시장에서 튤립 잃어버린 플로리스트│꽃 컨디셔닝 하기│올포러브장미로 만드는 웨딩부케│결혼식 이벤트 꽃다발 배달│ 발렌타인 준비│취미클래스 작품 촬영
안녕하세요, 디어마이시스에요! 오늘은 꽃시장에서 꽃을 잃어버렸던 날의 기록이 담겨있어요,,어찌나 진땀 뺐던지; 오늘도 꽃집브이로그 보러 와주셔서 감사합니다! 아직 2월이라 추위가 자꾸 찾아오네요 다들 건강 우선으로 챙기세요! 감기 조심하시고요!ㅠㅠ Hello, it's 'dear my sis' Today, I brought the record of the Korean flower shop This flowershop is managed by korean sisters This video is about working at flowershop which is located Hong-dae, Seoul There are a lot of timelapse in this video This is filmed in last week I hope to overcome COVID-19 as soon as possible Thank you for watching us! have a good day! see u : ) @tetero_bloom [background music] Any Thing You Can Dream Sunny Travel - Nico Staf(youtube audio library) I Feel Like Partying Right Now(Nate Keefe & BeatMower) Jazz In Paris