Fastest and easiest way to propagate Alocasia Corms #alocasia #plantcare #plantcaretips #shorts
I love propagating Alocasia corms in perlite. It's super fast and easy. Here's how I do it: 🌿Place the corms in perlite covering about half the Alocasia Corms 🌿Fill the jar half way up/just below the corm with water 🌿Place a dome covering on the jar to trap in the humidity. This will also help reduce the amount of time you have to top up the water. 🌿Place the jar of corms and perlite in a warm bright spot. 🌿Under a grow light or near a bright window works best. This will help speed up the rooting process. If it's winter where you are, keep it away from drafty windows as this will slow the rooting process since they go dormant in colder temps. 🌿After a few weeks, you should have little corms and possibly some new leaves forming. Don’t forget to hit that like, and subscribe button for more plant care tips