Prayer Service for Parent's Day | July 26, 2020 | DCC
Diocesan Catechetical Centre Archdiocese of Bombay Audio/Video Credits: SPEAK LORD: Deep Prayer Music | Spontaneous Worship Music | Christian Meditation Music • SPEAK LORD: Quiet Time & Meditation M... Father, I have sinned (Prodigal Son) • Father, I have sinned ( Prodigal Son)... ONLINE CONTENT DISCLAIMER The content broadcast on this YouTube channel is voluntary teaching material for Sunday School Students in the Archdiocese of Bombay. The content is purely educational and there are no commercial gains whatsoever for the owners of the content. We also like to state that we do not take any credit for the songs or videos used during the presentations and acknowledge that all such aids are owned by the original owners of those contents. The content presented herein reflects the views of the individual teacher for teaching kids below the age of 16 years. Hence the language, methods and examples used are intended to help children grasp the lesson better. The teachings are a personal attempt to present the Catechesis of the Catholic Church at Sunday School during the COVID19 lockdown and thereby aid the faith formation of the children while they cannot attend Church and Sunday School. In case of any objections to the content please feel free to write to us on [email protected]. The content is developed by the Diocesan Catechetical Centre Team and is not to be used without permission.