The The Third Eye Back Story In Dragon Ball DAIMA Is Interesting?

The The Third Eye Back Story In Dragon Ball DAIMA Is Interesting?

This is a preview clip from the Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 15 review from SonGoshuaku. That was originally streamed on 1/24/2025. In Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 15, we learn how Dabura became The Demon King by stealing The Evil Third Eye aka Tertian Oculus. While Piccolo, Son Goku and Vegeta struggle to limits of their base forms against Gomah's Military force. Despite having to ability to end the battle quickly by just going Super Saiyan. Join SonGoshuaku as he breaks it all down in this LIVE review of Dragon Ball DAIMA episode 15. *COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER* This is a fan produced video. Images used are copyrights of TOEI Animation, Crunchyroll and Bird Studio. Please support the official releases. Extra Tags: songoshuaku, dragon ball daima, dragon ball daima review, son goku, vegeta, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball gt, dragon ball super, dragon ball sparking zero, super saiyan, piccolo, freeza, frieza, cell, majin buu, majin boo, King Gomah, gomah, Neva,The Tamagamis, shenlong, shenron, Glorio, Degesu, dabarua, Dr. Arinsu, Abura, dragon ball demon realm, panzy, Son Goku vs Tamagami, marba, saibaman, majin buu, majin boo, majin kuu, majin boo, new majin boo, new majin buu, majin ku, new dragon ball lore in daima, majin duu, majin doo, Vegeta Vs Tamagami 2, Majin Duu Vs Tamagami 1, Super Saiyan 3 vegeta, Super Saiyan 3 vegeta Vs Tamagami 2, Vegeta goes super saiyan 3, Vegeta transforms into super saiyan 3, ssj3 vegeta, the evil third eye, the third eye #dragonball #dragonballdaima #goku #songoku #glorio #supremekai #kaioshin #nahare #neva #panzy #vegeta #bulma #piccolo #kingkaden #drarinsu #hybis #drarinsu #gomah #degesu #dabura #abura #anime #thethirdeye #shorts