HOW-TO DRAW SOMETHING (when you can't think of anything) | The Process of Finding Ideas
Ever ask yourself: "What should I draw?" I know. Same. Today I'm gonna show you how I go about defeating the blank brain and help you turn that blank page into something new! ► SUPPLIES USED: Prismacolor Col-Erase Pencils (Rose): https://amzn.to/2UlTsNB Illo Sketchbook: https://amzn.to/2Q8mCAm Copic Sketch Markers: https://amzn.to/2TuJklp Kneaded Eraser Pro-Art: https://amzn.to/2Rv2AxC Sakura Decorese Pastel, White: https://amzn.to/2rx1WUS Plumchester Fineliner: https://shop.artsnacks.co/products/pl... ♦ ♦ I COLLECT MY REFERENCES HERE: ♦ ♦ / drawwiffwaffles ♦ ♦ PO BOX ♦ ♦ http://drawingwiffwaffles.com/#POBox ♦ ♦ SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS ♦ ♦ http://drawingwiffwaffles.com/ Facebook: / drawingwiffwaffles Email: [email protected] Twitter: / drawwiffwaffles Instagram: / drawingwiffwaffles ♥ some links are affiliate, thanks for supporting me at no extra cost to you! ♥