Cybertruck at -27f or -33c overnight slow charging

Cybertruck at -27f or -33c overnight slow charging

It is cold this Janurary in Gunnison Colorado. I am here in Gunnison with my Cybertruck. I parked the truck at the J 1772 EV charger at the Gunnison Valley electric cooperative. The EV charger was 2 to 3 kw. Overnight the temperature dropped to -27f or -33c. I heated the interior of the truck several times overnight. When I first started charging it was 10f and the truck gained charge. Later when the temperature dropped below -20f the truck seemed to use the 2 to 3 kw just to keep the battery warm. When the Cybertruck is left overnight at temperatures below -20f an error code appears saying the fluid in the gearbox needs to be serviced; however, when the battery and truck is warmed up by DC fast charging the error message goes away.