Best Mutual Fund Category - Large, Mid or Small Cap ? Live Stream I #phronesisinvestoracademy
No Lumpsum in Small Cap Mutual Funds ? Best Mutual funds for 2023 - • Best Mutual Funds in India for 2023 ... Buy or Sell in all Time High Market ? LIVE Every Saturday@ 7:30 to 8:30 pm I I Best Mutual Funds Portfolio for 2023 I Hindi I Why stock markets are falling I Mutual Funds I I Best Mutual Funds for Long Term I Mutual Funds to Buy in a Falling Market I Best Mutual Funds for Lumpsum Investment I Phronesis Investor Academy live I Hindi I for SIP ? EXCLUSIVE YOU TUBE LIVE STREAM FOR SUBSCRIBERS @ 7:30 PM In this live session you will get to know the following : SWP related queries will be answered What will happen to suspended mutual funds Should we stay invested, Exit or Switch these suspended mutual funds Best Mutual Funds for SIP Best Flexi cap fund Best Large cap fund Best Small Cap Fund Best large cap fund Best multi cap fund Best mid cap fund Best Tax saving fund Best debt funds Best international fund Best mutual fund categories to invest #paragparikhflexicapfund #sbismallcapfund #iciciprudentialtechnologyfund #phronesisinvestoracademy #PhronesisLive _____________________________________________________________________ 👉 Let's Get in Touch: For YouTube Collaborations : Email id - [email protected] Contact No. - 9035318500 For Investments : Email id - [email protected] Contact No. - 7050101391 Official Website - https://www.phronesisinvestor.com Blog - https://www.phronesisinvestoracademy.com Telegram - https://t.me/phronesisinvestoracademy Facebook - / phronesis-investor-academy-100430888788952 Twitter - / phronesisinves1 Instagram - / phronesisinvestor _____________________________________________________________________ 👉 Disclaimer: Information provided in this video is for educational purpose only. It is not intended to be taken as any financial or any other type of advice. These are not any recommendations for any mutual funds or stocks or any other investment and are meant only for educational purposes. The following Video is based on research from various websites, books etc., and may include opinions of one or more persons who may not necessarily be a part of the Phronesis Investor Academy team. Dharmendra Kumar Singh and Phronesis Investor Academy team do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality or reliability of the information given in this video. Mr. Dharmendra Kumar Singh is an AMFI-Registered Mutual Fund Distributor. Stocks & Mutual funds investment are subject to market risk. Please read all scheme related documents carefully before investing. Kindly seek advice from your investment adviser before investing. User discretion advised.