Sunday, May 29, 2022 - 7th Sunday of Easter
CCLI Copyright License 1030652 Size A Streaming License 20686773 Size A (Disclosure: First Presbyterian Church, and its members, do not own any rights to the music played during this service, nor do they receive any royalties for using these pieces. Our license allows us to use the songs we list that are in the “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal”) Thank you for joining our Worship Service here on YouTube. We began this Sunday with Warren Townsend (our choir director), and Ruth Hanke (member), accompanied by Sarah Scovel (organist) singing "American Anthem," by Gene Scheer. Warren gave everyone a little introduction to the music and it's origins. This was followed by our Pastor John P. Wilson making the announcements of the church, which included an invite to join in cookies and refreshments in the Parlor after services to celebrate his birthday, this was a surprise for Pastor, he did not know about this until he was told to announce it. This was followed by Pastor leading the congregation in the Call to Worship, followed by everyone standing as they are able to sing "Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me," # 438 in our hymnal, “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). Pastor then read the Call to Confession, followed by leading everyone in the Prayer of Confession. Everyone them took a few moments for silent prayers of confession, followed by the Assurance of Pardon and the Gloria Patri. This was followed by the prayer for illumination and the reading of the Old Testament Lesson from Psalm 97. Warren Townsend and Ruth Hanke then came forward, and with Sarah Scovel on the organ, they sang "God Bless America," by Irving Berlin. This was followed by Pastor reading the Gospel Lesson from the Gospel of John, chapter 17, verses 20 through 26, followed by Pastor's sermon entitled "Risky Prayer." At the conclusion of his sermon, Pastor invited everyone to stand as they are able to sing "What a Friend We have in Jesus," # 465 in our hymnal, “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). We then came to a time of sharing joys and concerns, as well as prayers of the people. During out time of offering, we were first entertained by our organist, Sarah Scovel, playing an untitled by C. Rinck. Warren Townsend and Ruth Hanke then came forward to sing "The Star Spangled Banner," the 4th verse, by Francis Scott Key. This was followed by the Doxology, a prayer of Thanksgiving with the Lord's Prayer: "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be they name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen." This was followed by everyone standing as they are able to sing "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past," # 687 in our hymnal, “Glory to God, The Presbyterian Hymnal” (used with permission). After the Charge and Benediction by Pastor John, our organist played the Postlude entitled "Festive Postlude," by R. Williamson, while our members either remained to listen or proceeded to the parlor for cookies and fellowship. First Presbyterian Church 201 S. 5th Street P.O. Box 612 Independence, KS 67301 (620) 331-0241 Visit our website at: http://fpc-indy-ks.org/ Visit us on Facebook at: First Presbyterian Church, Independence, Kansas Our office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Because of God’s grace, love, and gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, we worship, witness, teach and serve. We celebrate communion the first Sunday of each month. All in attendance are invited to participate in communion as we practice open communion. Children are dismissed for Sunday school during our service, but return for communion. Our Sunday services are taped live on an IPad on Facebook Live at: / presbyterian.church.336 each Sunday, and then transferred to this YouTube Channel as soon as possible. If you would like to attend our services in person, we meet at 10:00 a.m. June through August, and 10:45 a.m. September through May (CST). Any and all are welcomed to join us in worship.