HOW TO HELP BABY SLEEP IN CRIB AT NIGHT | Ocean Sounds Lullaby | Baby sleep in crib at night crying
If you're having trouble getting your baby to sleep in their crib at night, you may want to try using ocean sounds as a lullaby. There are many different ways to create this calming effect, from downloading an app to playing a CD. You can even find white noise machines that feature ocean sounds. If you're not sure how to get started, try this simple method: 1. Play this 1:10:26 video. (you can Rt-click and choose loop if you need longer video) or play the playlist at: • SOUNDS OF OCEAN WAVES TO SLEEP BY 2. Find a comfortable spot for yourself and your baby. You may want to sit in a rocking chair or lay down on a bed. 3. Make sure the volume of the ocean sounds is at a level that is soothing for both you and your baby. 4. Gently rock your baby or give them a gentle massage while they listen to the ocean waves. 5. Once your baby is calm and sleepy, carefully transfer them to their crib and let them drift off to sleep. If you find that your baby is still having trouble sleeping through the night, there are other things you can try, such as playing soft music or using a nightlight. But the ocean sounds method is a great place to start if you're looking for a natural and calming way to help your baby sleep.