Akkad Bakkad Bambe bo | अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो | Counting Song for Children #shorts

Akkad Bakkad Bambe bo | अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो | Counting Song for Children #shorts

Akkad Bakkad Bambe bo | अक्कड़ बक्कड़ बम्बे बो | Fun Indian Kids Rhyme | Counting Song for Children Get ready to enjoy the classic Indian children's rhyme "Akkad Bakkad Bambe Bo" 🎶! This fun-filled and rhythmic song is perfect for kids to sing along, learn numbers, and have a great time! 🧒🎵✨ • Hindi Rhymes & Songs for Kids --------------------------- Akkad Bakkad Bambe Bo Lyrics Akkar bakkar bambay bo Assi nabbay pooray sao Sao mein laaga dhaga Chor nikal ke bhaga. ----------------------------------------- your queries : akkad bakkad bambe bo akkad bakkad hindi rhymes akkad bakkad song for kids akkad bakkad bambe bo assi nabbe pure sau akkad bakkad bambe bo assi nabbe poore sau akkad bakkad bambe bo song akkad bakkad animation song akkad bakkad song akkad bakkad rhyme akkad bakkad bambe bo lyrics akkar bakkar bambe bo ----------------------------------------- you can more search hindi kids video link given below- • Hindi Rhymes & Songs for Kids @EasyLearning-d3y ---------------------------- With catchy beats, playful animations, and an engaging tune, this song will bring joy to little ones while helping them develop counting skills. 🧮💡 🔔 Don't forget to LIKE, SHARE & SUBSCRIBE for more fun kids' songs and rhymes! #akkadbakkad #kidsrhymes #nurseryrhymes #countingsong #indianrhymes #funforkids #singalong #akkadbakkadbambebo #hindirhymes #piyahindi #nimbookidspiyahindi #nimbookids #kidssongshindi #babyvideos #nurseryrhymes #kidschannel #hindipoem #tophindirhymes #bandarmama #maintota #hindirhymes #hindinurseryrhymes #hindipoem #kidshindirhymes #rhymesinhindi #balgeet #hindibabysongs #kidsrhymes #maintota #hindisongs #naniterimorni #inhindi #hindi #hathiraja #india #kavita #nurseryrhymes #babysongshindi #bacchonkegaane #hindicartoons #toontvhindinurseryrhymes