Biotechnology and its Applications Class 12 Biology | NCERT Chapter 12 | CBSE NEET
• Download the Android App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... Class 12 NEET Biology NCERT Chapter 12 Biotechnology and its Applications Important Links: • Ask Doubts: https://www.learnohub.com/ask-questio... • Notes: https://www.learnohub.com/revise-note... • Online Tests: https://www.learnohub.com/online-test... • DPPs: https://www.learnohub.com/daily-pract... Biotechnology and its Applications Class 12 Biology NEET NCERT Chapter 12 0:43 Biotechnology in Agriculture 1:40 How to increase food production? 6:02 Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) 7:36 Genetic Modification: Advantages 10:23 Genetic Modification: Disadvantages 12:25 Bt 13:54 Bt cotton: The toxin 15:29 Bt Genetically Modified crops 16:47 Pest Resistant plants 17:39 RNA interference (RNAi) 20:34 RNAi pathway 25:49 RNAi pathway: Example 28:42 RNAi: Significance 29:57 Biotechnology in Medicine 30:23 Insulin 31:23 Is human-insulin enough to handle diabetics? 32:58 Genetically engineered Insulin 33:55 Genetic Engineering process to produce Insulin 35:38 Gene Therapy 37:48 First clinical Gene therapy 39:32 Treatment approaches towards ADA deficiency 41:09 How can Gene therapy cure ADA deficiency 43:43 Molecular Diagnosis 45:41 PCR test 48:13 ELISA test 49:27 Antigens 51:14 Antibodies 54:25 How ELISA test diagnose AIDS? 57:36 Transgenic Animals 59:17 Why are Transgenic animals produced? 1:00:38 Ethical Issues 1:01:01 Genetic Modification: Advantages 1:02:05 Genetic Modification: Disadvantages 1:07:14 Biopiracy Biotechnology and its Applications Class 12 Biology NEET | LearnoHub NEET pe Jeet | LH Class 12 Biology | Biology videos for NEET | CBSE Class 12 Biology Biotechnology and its Applications | Class 12 NCERT Chapter 15 Biology | FREE of cost NEET coaching | Biotechnology and its Applications Class 12 notes| Class 12 Biotechnology and its Applications Questions | Biotechnology and its Applications DPPs | Biotechnology and its Applications NCERT notes pdf | Biotechnology and its Applications | Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) | RNAi pathway | Bt cotton: The toxin | Pest Resistant plants | Bt| Insulin | Genetically engineered Insulin | Gene Therapy | How ELISA test diagnose AIDS? | Why are Transgenic animals produced? | Genetic Modification: Advantages | Biopiracy | Ethical Issues | PCR test | ELISA test | Molecular Diagnosis | Treatment approaches towards ADA deficiency | Is human-insulin enough to handle diabetics? | NEET | Biology NEET Coaching | Chapter NEET Biology | Biology NEET Coaching | NEET | Class 12 Biology OneShot Video LearnoHub.com (formerly called ExamFear Education) is a Free Education platform with more than 6000 videos on Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Biology, English, Science experiments, tips & tricks and motivational videos for Classes 6 to 12. Learn for Free! Website: http://www.learnohub.com Facebook: https://bit.ly/LearnoHubFB Instagram: https://bit.ly/LHInsta Join our Telegram Groups Classes 6 to 10 : https://bit.ly/LHTele6-10 Classes 11 and 12 : https://bit.ly/LHTele11-12 Watch Roshni's Tedx Talk to know more about her journey: • The magic passion can create | Roshni... #LearnoHubBiology # Biotechnology and its Applications #SabkoSamajhAayega #FREEhaiParBESThai #CBSEClass12Biology Together we CAN #PromoteFreeEducation. We will surely ensure that we deliver the best quality learning content free of cost. Copyright © All rights reserved. LearnoHub | ExamFear Education"