Lenten Service - 3/2/2022

Lenten Service - 3/2/2022

WELCOME TO WORSHIP In the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, we welcome you to St. Paul’s. We especially welcome our guests who have joined us today. We pray that your soul will be strengthened by the good news of God’s forgiveness through Jesus. ASH WEDNESDAY Ash Wednesday begins the Christian’s Lenten journey with a reminder of our mortality and a call to repentance. The ancient practice of imposing ashes on the foreheads of Christians gives Ash Wednesday its name; the church father Tertullian (c. 160-215 AD) writes of the practice as a public expression of repentance and of our human frailty that stands in need of Christ. Repentance over sin and our need for forgiveness are the primary emphases of worship on Ash Wednesday. This focus is distinct from the other midweek services offered during Lent, which focus on the historical account of Jesus’ suffering and death. PRAYER IN PREPARATION FOR TODAY’S WORSHIP Almighty and merciful God, you never despise what you have made and always forgive those who turn to you. Create in us such new and contrite hearts that we may truly repent of our sins and obtain your full and gracious pardon. Remind me tonight that I am but dust and ashes without you and my Savior Jesus. In his name I pray. Amen. THE CRUCIAL HOURS The Crucial Hours ponders key words and moments from the account of Jesus’ passion that demonstrate the thorough completeness of his saving work for us, the breadth and depth of his love for us, and the strength of his union with us. OPENING HYMN Jesus, I Will Ponder Now | 98 (1,3,5) INTRODUCTION TO LENT CONFESSION CHOIR As We Gather at Your Table The Word FIRST LESSON 2 Samuel 12:1-13 PSALM OF THE DAY Psalm 51a, p.86 SECOND LESSON 2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:2 GOSPEL Luke 18:9-14 HYMN OF THE DAY He Stood before the Court | 115 SERMON Luke 22:66 The Semblance of Legality OFFERING The Sacrament WORDS OF INSTITUTION O CHRIST, LAMB OF GOD DISTRIBUTION DISTRIBUTION HYMN Savior, When in Dust to You | 124 DISTRIBUTION HYMN I Come, O Savior, to Your Table | 310 PRAYER LORD’S PRAYER BLESSING CLOSING HYMN Jesus, I Will Ponder Now | 98 (6)