मिर्गी के दौरे आने पर क्या करना चाहिए
"When Faced with Epileptic Seizures – What to Do" - Dr. Naveen Mehrotra, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Spine Surgeon at Kims Sunshine Hospital, Secunderabad, provides guidance on how to respond when someone experiences epileptic seizures. Understanding the right steps to take during a seizure can be crucial in ensuring the safety and well-being of the affected individual. Dr. Naveen Mehrotra shares his expertise on this important topic, offering valuable insights for both patients and caregivers. For consultations and further information, you can contact Dr. Naveen Mehrotra at Kims Sunshine Hospital. Location: Kims Sunshine Hospital, Secunderabad, Telangana. #EpilepticSeizures #FirstAid #Neurology #KIMSSunshineHospital