The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Eid-al -Adha Special)

The Three Billy Goats Gruff (Eid-al -Adha Special)

Welcome to Kahani Time!! Where we will go on grand adventures and make great friends along the way. On this day of Eid-ul-Adha we're going to meet some very brave, adventurous and gruffy horn headed friends. Walk with us over the bridge to a green valley after we deal with a rather nasty troll. Eid-al-Adha is a festival celebrated by almost 2billion Muslims all over the world which feature all kinds of lifestock such as cows, sheep and obviously GOATS!! Here at Kahani time we believe in retelling some classic tales accompanied by artwork powered by AI . Reading is the absolute best way to fire up the imagination and go on the most magical of adventures all the while sitting in one place. #billygoats #goats #eiduladha2024 #cartoon #ai #animatedstories #threebillygoatsgruff #troll #trolls #meadows #bridges #eid #eidmubarak #storytime #storyforkids #kidsentertainment #kids