Dealing with failures | Failure Motivation For All | #GaurangaDas

Dealing with failures | Failure Motivation For All | #GaurangaDas

In one of the lectures, one CA aspirant exclaimed to Gauranga Prabhu how he is so tired of giving several attempts at CA exams. He has become frustrated. Gauranga Prabhu explained to him how when someone comes closer to Krishna Consciousness will be able to deal with the feelings of anger, hate, and frustration in a better way. Failures are inevitable in life. We need to learn how to face our failures. Whether it's a CA Exam, UPSC Exam, JEE, or Medical, one needs to learn to cope with these failures. The best way to cope is to take a bow at the Lotus feet of Sri Krishna, and one will be able to attain mental peace. Follow Gauranga Das on Social media - Instagram:   / officialgaurangadas   Facebook:   / gaurangadasofficial   Twitter:   / gaurangadas   LinkedIn:   / gaurangadasofficial   Gauranga Das's Book - Find more videos on spirituality by subscribing to our channel -    / @gaurangadas_official   #bhagavadgita #gaurangadas #Iskcon #Krishna #krishnaleela #funnystory