Lucid Dreaming & Third Eye Activation | Astral Projection Music OBE | Solfeggio Frequency 963 Hz

Lucid Dreaming & Third Eye Activation | Astral Projection Music OBE | Solfeggio Frequency 963 Hz

Along with many other attributes the frequency 963Hz is linked with activating the Pineal Gland and enhancing Intuition. It stimulates the crown chakra and raises Love's vibratory state within the Mind-Body. Song by MG Productions 4 Peace EA Royalty Free Music - No Copyright Music. Use it for your own project! Download for free here: If you wish to contribute and explore more music: Using the healing power of the 963 Hz Solfeggio Frequency for opening the third eye and activation of the pineal gland, inner awakening , mystical perception and reaching higher states of consciousness by activating and repairing the Pineal gland (Often called “The third eye” )This solfeggio is combined with relaxing brainwave music designed to take you into meditation and blissful states. Third Eye activation It resonates with the Light, reminding the Mind-Body of its original pure state and the goal of returning to Love and "Oneness" - Our True Nature. Headphones can enhance the experience. Please like & subscribe for more content like this!