lecture-2 Scope of marketing || BBA || UCG || MBA|| Bcom(P/H)Sol Du NEPISEM 3rd/5th#delhiuniversity

lecture-2 Scope of marketing || BBA || UCG || MBA|| Bcom(P/H)Sol Du NEPISEM 3rd/5th#delhiuniversity

Hey Everyone, This video is about marketing's scope. This video is helpful for all the management students. This topic is useful for all Students - 12th, B.Com, BBA, M.Com and UGC NET. Syllabus for marketing management Bcom(P/H) Unit 1|CH-1 Nature & Scope of Marketing | Principles of Marketing |Sol Du NEPISEM 3rd/5th NEP UGCF Sllaybus] Principles of Marketing Bcom(P/H) Unit 1|CH-1 Nature & Scope of Marketing | Principles of Marketing |Sol Du NEPISEM 3rd/5thl NEP UGCF Sllaybus | Principles of Marketing Bcom(P/H) Unit 1|CH-1 Nature & Scope of Marketing | Principles of Marketing |Sol Du NEPISEM 3rd/5thl NEP UGCF Sllaybus | Principles of Marketing About this Channel This channel has been created to provide you all the educational news, like UGC, , NTA, CBSE, University Exam, Video lectures on Commerce and Management Subjects, Apart from these this channel will provide you different job openings/Notification (Recruitment/vacancies) either Government Job or Private Job. So do not forget to Subscribe the Channel and press the bell to get the latest videos. Thankyou free ka gyaan 🫂🔥. #explained #dusolexam #semester2nd #semester2nd #DSE #delhi_university #cbscsoldu_all_sllaybus #xplain_channel #xplain #xplain_channel #dsc #semeste3_principlesofmarketing #sem3rd_soldu_principles_of_marketing #sol_principlesofmarketing #principlesofmarketing_semester3 #principalofmarketing#semester3 #delhiuniversity #delhi_university #soldu