Full Body Workout PREMIUM SUPERCHARGED ULTRA POWERFUL!!! (Energetically Programmed)
https://scalarwaver.gumroad.com/l/jixke Automated cardio and full upper and lower body workout. This program stimulates all muscles from the toes to the head. Very useful for people confined to wheelchairs, or people who for whatever reason cannot Train on an exercise machine. Works all the muscles of the body Automated Cardio training Automated Stretching training Automated Upper and Lower Chest Workout Automated Shoulder Day Workout Automated Neck Workout Automated Back Day Workout Automated Biceps Workout Automated Triceps Workout Automated Forearm Workout Automated Abdominals Workout Automated Legs Workout Automated Calves Workout Automated Core Workout Decreases fat Improves muscle definition Burns stubborn fat Improves overall health Improves metabolism Hormones in perfect balance (Unisex) Increases the absorption of nutrients to the muscles and the body Improves the use of nutrients Muscle toning Bone alignment Elasticity And much more. Also added extra frequency for spine alignment Use once or twice a day