BUDAKHEL & Jason Steele - It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday (Reaction) | Topher Reacts
These 4 voices are GORGEOUS together 😍😍 #BugoyDrilon #DarylOng #MichaelPangilinan #Budakhel #JasonSteele #ItsSoHardToSayGoodbyeToYestersay #BoyzIIMen #RnB #BoyBand #HeavenlyHarmonies Also another HUGE shoutout to Ashton Landry for his hard work in creating my new Topher Reacts intro. If you need any branding services, check out his amazing portfolio Budakhel’s Youtube: / @budakhelmusic2237 Budakhel’s Instagram: / budakhel_official Budakhel’s Twitter: / budakhelofc Ashton’s Website: http://www.ashtonlandry.com Ashton’s Facebook: / ashtonlandry Ashton’s Instagram: / ashtonlandry Ashton’s Twitter: / ashtonlandry Facebook: / topherwarrenofficial Instagram: / topherwarrenofficial YouTube: / criztophelaw Twitter: / thetopherwarren Patreon: / topherwarrenofficial