BEST OF SEMI-TRUCK CRASHES | Road Rage, Hit and run, Brake checks | COMPILATION 2024

BEST OF SEMI-TRUCK CRASHES | Road Rage, Hit and run, Brake checks | COMPILATION 2024

🛑 Submit your clips: ⚫Looking for a dashcam for your car? We recommend VIOFO: A229 PRO 4K ▶ (5% off promo code: dash4K229Pro) VS1 2K ▶ (5% off promo code: dash2KVS1) ⚫ Contact me at [email protected] ⚫ Links to the original videos: 1. Joe Martin -    • Insane Dash cam footage of my wreck o...   --- Insane Dash cam footage of my wreck on I 70 2. Teddy 3. Anonymous 4. Otr Trucker 205 -    • Warrior Alabama I65.S crash   --- Cullman Alabama I65.S crash 5. Ok, Brampton 6. TRUCKING AROUND 805 -    • CAR CUTS ME OFF   --- CAR CUTS ME OFF 7. Cameren -    • Video   --- Hit and Run in Indianapolis, IN 8. MedicVoyles 9. Craig Puchta -    • Crash   --- Crash 10. Mike Zzyby -    • 1/16/24   --- 1/16/24 11. Reserector -    • Almost taken out on the FJR1300... AG...   --- Almost taken out on the FJR1300 12. NoStoppingSF -    • Hit and Run Dash cam Footage - Illega...   --- Hit and Run Dash cam Footage - Illegal Turn Hits My Car 13. Truckin’ Is Life -    • Another Day In The Land Of STUPID!   --- Another Day In The Land Of STUPID! 14. TruckDriver Brian -    • Some truckers need to find another ca...   --- Some truckers need to find another career! Oh, and EVERYONE needs a DASHCAM 15. Shaithis -    • Under the truck   --- Under the truc 16. Lauren C -    • yeah, glad I got the Dash cam...   --- yeah, glad I got the Dash cam. 17. Anonymous 18. The Moto fixery -    • Oh what fun it is to drive...   --- Oh what fun it is to drive. 19. J.C. Herna -    • Video   --- I75 Sumter county Florida 3 vehicle accident 20. SmartTruckers -    • Just A Bad Day For Him   --- Just A Bad Day For Him 21. guyinthegraveyard 22. Ms.LynnBabe -    • April 19, 2023   --- April 19, 2023 23. Charles Magnan -    • Garmin Montreal, QC 21/9/2022   --- Garmin Montreal, QC 21/9/2022 24. Mike East -    • I-465 Indianapolis Crash 8/31/22   --- I-465 Indianapolis Crash 25. u/eftozlped 26. Anonymous 27. Leonard Leedy -    • Rear Ended by Semi, Rear Camera   --- Rear Ended by Semi 28. Lauren C -    • Nashville,TN.crash.5/4/24   --- Nashville,TN.crash. 29. Alec Prestifilippo -    • 2024 01 08 Traffic Incident Prestifil...   --- 2024 01 08 Traffic Incident Prestifilippo 30. u/jojo997c4s 31. mallydobb 32. Hiway Dog -    • 'Twas the week before Christmas and a...   --- 'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the intersection... cars were crashing! 33. Wesley Abernethy -    • I'll show you! Lesson learned the har...   --- I'll show you! Lesson learned the hard way. Road rage becomes accident. 34. Anonymous 35. jakamanewb -    • Semi Side swiped and other truck kept...   --- Semi Side swiped and other truck kept going - WTF!? 36. Otr Trucker 205 -    • crash on i24-65 TN got hit.. with som...   --- rash on i24-65 TN got hit.. with some pictures at end 37. Lauren C -    • almost   --- almost 38. Hiram Oliver's POV Life -    • Video   --- I Almost Rear-Ended A Semi-truck! My Near Accidents 39. Anonymous 40. matt1961 -    • Crash Filmore & Chestnut   --- Crash Filmore & Chestnut 41. summitap1 -    • Hit and Run at 120mph I-70 CO   --- Hit and Run at 120mph I-70 CO 42. Lauren C -    • california idiot   --- california idiot ⚫ My socials: Instagram:   / dashcamlessons   TikTok:   / dashcamlessons   Facebook:   / dashcamlessons   ⚫ Intro song: My Country - Ben Bostick