Quick Macrame Hat Hanger | 10 Minute DIY Hat Display
Make this macrame hat hanger in just 10 minutes! This is a quick and easy DIY hat display that you can create to hang your hat beautifully up on the wall. These macrame hangers also add a boho vibe to your home decor! Plus its a much better way to store your hats, rather than away in a cupboard. You will need to know how to create the below macrame knots for this project. Check out my tutorials on these beginner macrame knots and learn how to macrame these basic knots: Larks Head Knot: • How to Macrame the Larks Head Knot Double Half Hitch Knot: • How to Macrame a Double Half Hitch Kn... Square Knot Tutorial: • How to Macrame the Square Knot What you will need for this Macrame Project: Hat Scissors Tape measure 3mm cotton cord Wooden or Metal ring Subscribe to this channel to stay up to date on all the macrame tutorials! https://www.knotcalm.com/ / knotcalm / knotcalm @knotcalm