Upper Motor Neuron(UMN) vs Lower Motor Neuron(LMN) lesions | Neurophysiology

Upper Motor Neuron(UMN) vs Lower Motor Neuron(LMN) lesions | Neurophysiology

In this video lecture we are going to look after the difference between the Upper Motor Neuron (UMN) and the Lower Motor Neuron (LMN) lesions which is a very important topic as far as Neurosurgery, Neurology and Physiology is concerned in very much detail This is going to be one of the best videos on UMN vs LMN on YouTube. Queries solved -- What is Upper and Lower Motor Neuron ? Difference between Upper and Lower Motor Neuron lesions ? Correlation of points with the condition ? Different mechanisms involved ? Detailed explanation of every point and correlation with diagrams and examples. I hope after watching this video you will be cleared with all your doubts. Social Media Handles INSTAGRAM account # 👇🏻👇🏻 ((medutainment.08) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZBsbHKB2... Telegram # 👇🏻👇🏻 Medutainment https://t.me/medutainment_08 Watch more videos👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 EDH vs SDH *    • Difference between Epidural Hematoma ...   Leg length discrepancy *    • What is Leg Length Discrepancy | Meas...   Q angle *    • What is Q angle | Q angle biomechanic...   Cobb's Angle *    • What is Cobb's Angle | How to measure...   Dandy Walker Malformation *    • What is Dandy Walker Syndrome or Dand...   Cubital Fossa playlist *    • Cubital fossa anatomy   T.S of Brainstem at different levels *    • Neuroanatomy   Strength Duration Curve *    • SD curve/Electrotherapy/Strength dura...   Essential Amino Acid Trick *    • Easy trick to memorize (learn) Essent...   Wallace rule of 9*    • Wallace rule of nine /Burn injuries a...   Cartilaginous Joint *    • Cartilaginous joints/Joint classifica...   Angle of pull *    • Angle of Pull / Muscle Pull /Kinesiol...   Stress Strain Curve *    • Stress Strain Curve / Stress Strain d...   *Faradic type current v/s Original faradic current *    • Difference between Original Faradic C...   Classification of joints *    • Joint Classification   How many layers are their outside the Spinal cord    • Spinal Cord Anatomy/Spinal cord layer...   How to remember all the cranial nerve in no time    • Easy Trick to remember Cranial nerves...   *Difference between the Sural Nerve's *    • Difference between Sural Nerve,Sural ...   #umnvslmnlesion #umnvslmnphysiology #differencebetweenumnvslmnlesions #neurology #medutainment #physiotherapy #uppermotorneuronvslowermotorneuron #uppermotorneurons #physiology #lowermotorneurons #usmle #centralnervoussystem #neuroanatomy Do Like 👍 Share 📤 and Subscribe to my channel ⏸️ 😌😄 THANKS FOR WATCHING 😌😄