The Best Plants to Grow in the Early Spring Garden

The Best Plants to Grow in the Early Spring Garden

You do NOT have to wait until your last frost date to start your spring garden (though be warned that your neighbors may look at you funny!). Your garden can be overflowing with leaves, root crops, and fruits even when you're still getting frost at night. Here are plants that thrive in cool weather. Shop our Gardenary Seed System to get the seeds you see in the video: You've got the choice to buy all these seeds WITH a copy of Leaves, Roots & Fruit to help you grow or without. Shop Leaves, Roots & Fruit on Amazon: Grab your 2024 Gardenary Planting Calendar for free at Follow Gardenary Here: Instagram:   / gardenaryco   Facebook:   / gardenaryco   Garden Coaching: Find a Garden Coach Business in Your Area: