Top 5 Best Linux Distros for Windows Users - 2020

Top 5 Best Linux Distros for Windows Users - 2020

The top 5 best Linux distros for those of us who are switching from Windows or Mac OS X. In this list it will go in order by familiarity or what in best for the new Linux user. For example, if you’re a complete noob and you’re not the most technically inclined you may want to go with the first item on this list. If your more of a power user and you love doing some tinkering you may want to consider the last item on this list. Download and more: Top 5 Linux Distros for Noobs: Zorin OS - 1:02 Linux Mint - 4:51 Elementary OS - 6:36 Pop!_OS - 9:41 MX Linux - 11:34 Whatever your reason may be for switching all of these options are great choice of any skill base. There are hundreds of distros and narrowing down like this is a difficult task. A important note is when looking up these operating systems is to have a idea of what desktop environment you’d like to run. Below I’ll include some images from a few different distros to give a idea of the desktop environments most common. In order they’re Gnome, KDE, Cinnamon, Budgie, and MATE. You may have noticed all, but one of these top 5 linux distros are Ubuntu based. The reason for this is because Ubuntu is the perfect interface for someone new. It has been built up for a long time to just work out of the box. With the amount of users there is a powerful community making it easier to troubleshoot and look up issues. Before you switch to any distro I’d recommend you go though the install process and test out everything you need to do on a daily basis in Virtual Box. This will make it so you’re sure of the functionality and comfortable with the environment. You should do this with at least 3 different distributions to get a good feel for the interface.