Prayer Service: October 14, 2023
May Allah's-Salaam-Alaikum (May God's Peace be unto you). This broadcast airs live on YouTube every Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 8 PM central, and every Sunday at 11 AM central. If you have disparaging things to say about the Son of Man, he said to either confront him so he can defend himself or don't leave your comments on our videos. From henceforth if you leave a disparaging comment on our videos and you didn't talk to him about it, you're going to be cast into hell. LINKS OF INTEREST: NEW! The Son of Man receives both doses of the Covid-19 vaccine: • The Son of Man receives both doses of... NEW! Construction of Meeting Hall from beginning to present (December 15, 2021): • Meeting Hall from Beginning to Decemb... The ribbon-cutting ceremony for Sistah's Braid Too: • Sistah's Braid Too Ribbon-cutting The building process of the Quality Construction Warehouse: • Quality Construction Warehouse: build... Final Walk-through of Sistah's Braid Too: • Sistah's Braid Too Walk-through: Unit... The latest progress video from the UNITY AND REBUILDING FUND that shows the completion of the first project, Sistah's Braid Too from start to finish: • Unity and Rebuilding Fund: Sistah's B... Watch some of the work that the Son of Man and his followers are doing in the black community. Some of the progress of the New Nation of Islam (as of July 2016): • New Nation of Islam - Some of the pro... The Son of Man introduces the one (Brother Donald) who brought him to Muhammad's Temple of Islam for the 1st time: • The Son of Man introduces the one who... Historic footage of the New Nation of Islam: • New Nation of Islam presents historic... Watch the 2017 Muhammad's University of the New Islam High School Graduation Commencement: • 2017 Muhammad's University of the New... Watch 3 Year Economic Plan helps black-owned Detroit TV & Radio Station: • 3 Year Economic Plan helps Black-owne... GoFundMe account for nations, businesses and wealthy people to pay tithes and offerings to help the Son of Man (the leader and teacher of the New Nation of Islam) reform, rebuild and uplift the former slaves of America. Help us and Allah will help you. Click here to donate: https://www.gofundme.com/tithes-and-o... HOW TO EASILY FIND THESE VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE: Go to the YouTube search bar, and type "Son of Man", and then type the date of the class you are looking for. (This works for videos that are livestreaming too.) So for instance, if you wanted to find the live stream of the January 1, 2021 class, then here's what you would type into the YouTube search bar: "Son of Man, January 1, 2021". This will pull the video right up. Speak to the Son of Man live on-air by calling the teleconference room: 601-909-9135 access code 968280 or 601-909-9135 access code 258055. Press 5* to unmute your phone. OR call him directly on Skype. His Skype username is "sun.of.man" Also, if at anytime during the live broadcast you have problems hearing the audio clearly, you can call into the teleconference room and listen from there. The number is the same as above: 601-909-9135 access code 968280 or 601-909-9135 access code 258055. Twitter: / nnoislam Facebook: / thenewnationofislam YouTube: / newnationofislam Website: http://www.thenewnationofislam.com/ IN DETROIT, MICHIGAN: This broadcast also airs live on Detroit TV & radio every Sunday, Wednesday & Friday. Tune in to 88.1 FM WHPR or TV33/Comcast 20 every Sunday starting at 12 noon eastern, and Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 9 PM eastern. IN FAYETTE, MISSISSIPPI: This broadcast airs live every Sunday starting at 11 AM central, and Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays starting at 8 PM central. Listen by tuning in to WFOI 100.5 FM. IN CHARLOTTE AMALIE, ST. THOMAS, U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS: This broadcast airs live every Sunday starting at 12 noon. Listen by tuning in to WVIE 107.3 FM.