Keep Awake | October 15, 2023 | Eyes On Jesus

Keep Awake | October 15, 2023 | Eyes On Jesus

Sunday Morning 0:00 Louisa's Prayer 2:30 Lion and the Lamb 6:50 Inhabit 12:05 You Have Made Me Glad 18:40 How Great Is Our God 24:55 Holy Forever 46:50 Kevin's Prayer 52:00 Baby Dedications 1:05:00 Lord, these children are Yours & we're Yours, too! 1:14:50 Prayer for Israel and Palestine 1:20:00 Romans 13:11 1:24:20 Luke 21:20 1:31:30 Mark 13 1:33:00 Mark 14 (Keep Wake!) What keeps you asleep? 1:43:00 Matthew 11 1:48:30 I decided to stop numbing out! 1:52:00 Hebrews 9:27-28 1:57:30 Romans 13 2:00:00 Altar Call Clipped instrumental:    • "Consecrated" | Instrumental Worship ...