My whole wheat bread recipe
My whole wheat bread recipe (4 breads) This recipe is based on the FiveRoses flour recipe book. I strongly recommend that you get thid book, because it's very useful and the recipes have been tested for decades and the book is not expensive. Here are the differences with the original recipe : I use honey to rise the yeast instead of sugar. I don't use any sugar in the recipe. I use lukewarm water instead of milk. I use salt sparingly. I start the cooking with a cold oven and I bring it to 400F in convection mode. I knead the dough twice. I add 5 minutes to the cooking time to compensate for the cold oven start. I use the "Milanaise" brand organic whole wheat flour for bread. As it contains a lot of bran, I sift it with a 80 thread per inch sieve. So, I remove 600 gr of bran for 5 kg of flour. There is still enough bran to keep the good taste and to help the intestinal tract, which is the goal of eating whole wheat bread. Here are the ingredients : 1 teaspoon of honey for the yeast. ½ cup of lukewarm water (125 ml) for the yeast. 2 dry yeast packets (pizza) from Fleischman. I use it for pizza and it rises easily. 4 cups (1L) of lukewarm water. 1 teaspon of salt. ¼ cup (50 ml) of vegetable fat or oil. I use margarine. 13 cups (3 L) of flour. Procedure : I start by heating the oven for 30 seconds to get some heat in the oven and I put the light on to keep the heat, as I will use the oven as a dry steamer. Note; before I used to get the bread out of the oven to heat up the oven to temperature, but by the time the oven was hot, the bread would deflate because they would cool down. Dissolve the honey in the water for the yeast. Dissolve the yeast and let rise for 10 minutes. In a large bowl, put the water and the vegetable oil (margarine). With a fork, break most o tha margarine in smaller pieces. You can also heat up the water to dissolve the margarine, but you will need to let it cool down. Or use vegetal oil instead of vegetal fat. Mix well. Add the yeast and mix well. Add half of the flour and mix well with a fork (or your preferred tool), so that the mix is snooth. Add the rest of the flour and the slat, and mix well to get a dough that doesn't stick to the bowl. Put flour on your workspace and knead the dough for 8 to 10 minutes. Make a ball with the dough and put it in a greased bowl and cover it with a tissu and put it in the oven (the oven is not heating and used as a dry steamer temporarely) to get it to rise for 1 hour. The dough should double in volume. Put flour on your workspace and knead the dough for another 8 to 10 minutes. Cut the dough in 4 parts and make cylinders of the right length for your loaf pan and put it in the greased loaf pan. Watch to grease the top edges, especially if it's a glass loaf pan, because the dough tends to stick to the edges. Wipe the excess to keep the grease to melt and flow in the oven. Put the 4 loaf pans in the oven to get the dough to rise again, for 1.5 hour. In general, if you have standard loaf pans, they are ready to cook if the dough slightly overflows the edges. Start the oven in convection and adjust the temperature to 400F (205C). My oven reduce the temperature 20F on convection, so, I adjust it to 425F and the final result is 400F. Cook fo 40 minutes and if you want a thicker crust, add 5 minutes (the inside of the loaf night be a little dryer). I suggest you freeze the bread, because freezing changes the starch properties and isntead of digesting rapidly in the intestine and produce a "rush" of sugar in the blood, it digest mainly in the colon and is absorbed more slowly and it also feed your microbiota which is excellent for your gut health,