Missa Cantata (High Mass) for the First Sunday of Advent
Celebrant: Rev. Fr. J. Marcel Portelli (first public Extraordinary Form Mass) Master of Ceremonies: Mr. Alex Begin Location: St. Matthew Catholic Church, Flint, Michigan Altar Servers from St. Matthew Church Mass Intention: Holy Souls in Purgatory November 29, 2020, the I Sunday of Advent New to the Extraordinary Form of the Mass? Here's a 5-minute introductory video: https://bit.ly/3lvruLD Learn to follow it with this 10-minute video: https://bit.ly/36tXg7A Learn to follow it with this 30-minute video: https://bit.ly/37usSJt Understanding the traditional Mass (a brief written guide): https://bit.ly/2JsmAly Mr. Alex Begin's "Extraordinary Faith" YouTube Channel: / @extraordinaryfaith5532 The Saginaw Latin Mass Association: https://saginawlatinmass.org/ The Flint Latin Mass Association: https://www.tlmflint.org/ St. Matthew Catholic Church: https://www.flintcatholic.org/stmatthew