5 Best MBA Alternatives in 2024

5 Best MBA Alternatives in 2024

In this video, I have explained about 5 Alternative Courses that you can do instead of MBA. Recently, many people including some famous creators have voiced their opinions on how doing MBA is not relevant and pointless. Please not that I'm NOT bashing MBA. There are certain situations and personal interest where doing MBA is optimal. However, in case you reasonably feel that it is not worth pursuing, these 5 Alternatives will fit your case. I have discussed each course in detail, the costs involved and how it can add value to your core career. If you found the video valuable then drop a like and subscribe to the channel, hit the bell icon for more such videos and share it with your friends. #MBA2024 #MBA #AadityaIyengar #mbaadmissions Come say hi :) Instagram:   / lordmoneyengar   Twitter:   / lordmoneyengar   Youtube:    / lordmoneyengar   LinkedIn :   / aaditya-iyengar-4683b6203