Trusting God When You Don’t Understand
When you're facing something you don't understand, it's easy to let doubt and worry creep in. How can you trust in God when things get tough? ABOUT THIS MESSAGE Our decisions determine the direction of our lives. But when we're tired, stressed, or overwhelmed, what do those decisions really look like? Let's learn to Think Ahead so we follow God’s purposes no matter what. NEXT STEPS Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? You may be wondering what’s next on your journey. We want to help! Let us guide you to your next steps in your walk with Christ: https://www.life.church/next ABOUT LIFE.CHURCH Wherever you are in life, you have a purpose. Life.Church wants to help you find your next step. Our hope is that your journey will include joining us at a Life.Church location throughout the United States or globally online at https://live.life.church Find locations, videos, and more info about us at https://www.life.church or download the Life.Church app at https://www.life.church/app FIND US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook: / life.church Instagram: / life.church TikTok: / lifechurch YouTube: / @lcnow CONNECT WITH PASTOR CRAIG YouTube: / craiggroeschel Facebook: / craiggroeschel Instagram: / craiggroeschel TikTok: / craiggroeschel The Most Disobeyed Bible Verse - 00:00 The Story of Hannah - 06:08 Year After Year - 09:56 How to Grow Your Trust in God - 11:58 Why This Story Impacts Me Deeply - 19:52 Why Did God Wait So Long? - 24:19 How to “Wait Well” - 25:43 Waiting, Hurting, or Disappointed? - 27:09 A Prayer in Our Waiting - 29:54 #lifechurch #craiggroeschel #thinkahead