5:00pm Family Christmas Eve Service - December 24, 2022
• Guest & regular attenders, we are so glad you are here! Stay connected with us by filling out our Connect Card at https://www.carlislepaumc.org/connect... • Give securely online at https://my.e360giving.com/App/Giving/... Prelude What Shall I Give to the Child in the Manger - arr. Douglas E. Wagner It Came Upon a Midnight Clear - arr. Heather Sorenson I Saw Three Ships - arr. Mary McDonald Greetings & Welcome *Call To Worship Leader: We who dwelled in the shadows have seen a great light. People: Glory from heaven embraces the earth, like a mother's arms around a newborn child, Leader: Tucking the earth in folds of peace, like a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, People: Laying the earth in the cradle of truth, like a baby entrusted to a manger. Leader: As the cry of a baby splits the air, uniting the songs of shepherd and angles, People: Let us give thanks for the birth of a child, through whose life salvation shines! *Opening Hymn Medley O Come, All Ye Faithful #234 vs. 1 The First Noel #245 vs. 1 Hark! The Herald Angels Sing #240 vs. 1 Sunbeams Kids Choir Christmas Rejoicing Medley Kids Chat & Christmas Story The Christmas Eve Prayer (unison) God of light, remind us tonight of the light of Jesus who has come into our darkness. May it shine in our hearts, filling us with hope, peace, joy and love. May it shine from our lives that the world may see your glory. In Christ's name we pray. Amen. Hymn Away in a Manger #217 vs. 1 & 3 SPArKS Choir Glory to God - Terry D. Taylor Handbell ensemble: Megan Baitzel, Jane Boley, Barb Harpel Sermon The Visited Planet Reading of the Light & Lighting the Christ Candle John 1:1-5, 14 *Hymn Silent Night #239 vs.1-3 *Hymn Joy To the World #246 vs. 1, 3, & 4 Blessing Postlude Variations on "Joy to the World" arr. by Diane Bish CHRISTMAS DAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE • 10:00am Family Service - a simple service for all ages. Carols, brief Christmas reflections and kids can come in their PJ's. Kids are invited to bring along a favorite Christmas gift for a time during the Kids Chat to "Stump the Pastors." No childcare. no live stream. NEW YEAR'S DAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE • 9:00am Contemporary Service (childcare available) live stream available at https://www.carlislepaumc.org/worship... SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE RESUMES JANUARY 8 • 8:00am Traditional Service live stream & in person • 9:45am Contemporary Service live stream & in person • 11:15am Relaxed Traditional Service in person Thank you so much for remembering CUMC with your tithes and offerings. It is making a difference! Each year at CUMC's Christmas Eve offering $4,000+is given to bless others in our community and beyond. This year the Christmas Eve offering "Year-End Gift" will help fund for SHARE Boxes at Project SHARE for 40 families for 6 weeks, a year-end bonus for staff, and balancing the annual church budget. Christmas Eve offering envelopes available at Info Central or donate online at https://my.e360giving.com/App/Giving/... Ways to support CUMC ministries through your offerings • Give securely online at https://my.e360giving.com/App/Giving/... • Text GIVE to 717.964.4111 for CUMC offerings • Offering envelopes mailed/dropped at Church Office (333 S Spring Garden St, Carlisle) or brought to our worship services Guest & regular attenders, please let us know you're worshipping online today by filling out our connect card found at https://www.carlislepaumc.org/connect...