Abdominal Clinical Examination OSCE - Clinical Skills - Dr Gill

Abdominal Clinical Examination OSCE - Clinical Skills - Dr Gill

Abdominal Clinical Examination OSCE The abdominal examination is a relatively straight forward clinical examination and is an opportunity for medical students to pick up easy marks during their exams. There are however several specific clinical skills which need to be focused on during medical school revision for the effective completion of an abdo exam Inspection, looking over the hands, face and abdomen Palpation is needed both superficially, looking for pain, but also with increased force checking for the presence of abdominal masses. Percussion - listening for changes in town Auscultation - including listening for renal bruits as well as bowel sounds ________ Please note that there is no ABSOLUTE way to perform a clinical examination. Different institutions and even clinicians will have differing degrees of variations - the aim is the effectively identify medically relevant signs. However during OSCE assessments. Different medical schools, nursing colleges, and other health professional courses will have their own preferred approach to a clinical assessment - you should concentrate on THEIR marks schemes for your assessments. The examination demonstrated here is derived from Macleods Clinical Examination - a recognized standard textbook for clinical skills. #AbdominalExamination #ClinicalSkills #DrGill You can now consult via video or in person with Dr Gill at Dr Finlay’s Private Practice - https://www.drfinlays.co.uk/services/... 00:00 - Introduction 00:49 - Hand Examination and Pulse Check 01:36 - Blood Pressure Check 02:48 - Head and Neck Examination 03:36 - Stomach Examination 06:36 - Legs Examination 07:01 - Conclusion