How do Cats Say "I Love You"?

How do Cats Say "I Love You"?

Have you ever wondered how cats say "I love you"? Some people think that cats don't love their owners, but scientists have recently discovered that cats are just as strongly bonded with with humans as dogs or even children are! Cat's can't speak to us, but they have lots of ways of showing us that they love and appreciate us. Which ones are your favorite? Science proves cats love their humans: https://www-sciencedirect-com.proxy.l... If you enjoyed this video, SUBSCRIBE to keep seeing our weekly content!    / @katieandfrankie   If you want to know how fast munchkin cats can run, check out our video:    • How FAST can munchkin cats run?   Watch Franklin's kitten compilation here:    • Fluffy Munchkin Kitten Growing Up!   Check out our attempt at the Invisible Wall Challenge too:    • Cats VS INVISIBLE WALL CHALLENGE!   Want to see more? Check us out on our other platforms:   / katieandfrankie     / katieandfrankie